Celebrating our Yoatzot Halacha

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, join Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center’s (MGC) U.S. Yoatzot Halacha Fellows Program (YH/US) in celebrating the 26 outstanding women certified as Yoatzot Halacha (women advisors in Jewish law) between the years 2017-2023. We honor the scholarship, achievements and community service of Yoatzot Halacha who live in California, Canada, Czechia, England, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

With integrity and devotion, Yoatzot Halacha strengthen mitzvah observance and have won the backing of world-renowned Rabbanim. Rabbis respect Yoatzot Halacha for their Torah scholarship, yirat shamayim and dedication to halacha, as well as their skills, sensitivity, and knowledge of women’s health. Nishmat’s Yoatzot Halacha aim to give women agency over their religious lives, so that they can live with fidelity to halachic expectations from a position of dignity and deep commitment. They educate women about their bodies, health and wellbeing, and are a voice for empathy in a field that is the bedrock of the Jewish people: marriage and family.

In 2017, MGC answered the call of women and communities throughout the United States and beyond to consider a hybrid distance learning model for YH/US. This enabled qualified women living throughout the United States to participate and begin serving their communities. Immediately, we received inquiries from all over the U.S., Canada and Europe. Given the dramatic world events of 2020, our online pivot proved prescient, the healing before the wound (b. Megilah 13b), even for those living in the New York area.

To date, 38 YH have completed their studies at the MGC, and serve in paid and volunteer positions in the United States, Canada and Europe in over 50 institutions in 25 communities. Over time, Yoatzot Halacha have become a trusted halachic resource and assist tens of thousands of women annually, worldwide.

Our Graduates, Your Yoatzot Halacha
Classes of 2017-2023

Celebrate our Graduates

Your gift to the Miriam Glaubach Center will allow Yoatzot Halacha to continue providing spiritual and scholarly leadership, strengthening modern Orthodox Judaism and enhancing the lives of observant women and their families.

Every day, Yoatzot Halacha contribute to the vibrancy and authenticity of Jewish life.